Whatsapp is a messaging app Currently owned by Facebook.Recently in a report, it was found that Whatsapp has over 1 billion users.Now Everybody from children to their Grandparents .So, Folks In this post we have compiled some of the coolest and Smartest Whatsapp Status which will help you impress your colleagues or friends.So here they are ...
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People with status don’t need status
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My room + internet connection + music + food – homework = perfect day.
tHiS DoG, iS DoG, a dOg, GoOd dOg, WaY DoG, tO DoG, kEeP DoG, aN DoG, iDiOt dOg, BuSy dOg, FoR DoG, 30 DoG, sEcOnDs dOg! … NoW ReAd wItHoUt tHe wOrD DoG.
Wow now I’m a graduate…….Now thermometer is not the only thing that has degrees without brains.
Am gonna Make my Status………….better you too Focus on your Status only
Happiness is when “Last seen at” changes to “online” and then to “typing..”
Even romeo went from being “in a relationship” to “it’s complicated”.
Life is like riding a bicycle to keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Can’t talk, telepathy only!
You are every reason, every hope and every dream I’ve ever had
I rather tell you “SEE YOU LATER” instead “GOOD BYE”
When it’s you against me, you either win or you die!!!
Do you ever just lie on knees and thank god that you know me and my intelligence???
I Wonder What Happen’s When Doctor’s Wife Eats An Apple A Day
When I Show you a picture on my phone..don’t swipe left.don’t swipe right.Just look
Money talks ….. Mine know only one word- GOOD BYE.
When I actually die some people are going to get really haunted.
I work for money, for loyalty hire a Dog.
In my house I'm the boss, my wife is just the decision maker.
Life is Short – Chat Fast!
Call me NOBODY, because NOBODY is perfect
Life is like ice cream, enjoy it before it melts.
People say everything happens for a reason. So when I punch you in the face, remember I have a reason
AwesoME ends with ME and Ugly starts with U.
1f you c4n r34d 7h15, you r34lly n33d 2 g37 l41d
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.
80% of boys have girlfriends.. Rest 20% are having brain.
Everybody is so happy….I hate that.
I never forget a face, but in your case I’ll be glad to make an exception.
Friendship improves Happiness and abates misery by doubling our joys and dividing our grief!!
In victory, you deserve Champagne. In defeat you need it.
A lie is just a great story ruined by truth.
The only time success comes before work is in dictionary.
My wife and I were happy for 20 years. Yes! Before we met.
All I need is you NEEDING me.
With love one can live even without happiness.
Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship, never.
Hey,you are reading my status again??
Everyone has an addiction mine just happens to be you.
I want every morning to start being wrapped in your armsAlso Check : Best Inspirational Quotes
You are proof that evolution sometimes CAN go in reverse.
At last got to know how to loose weight in 10 days :Just turn your head right then left and repeat whenever offered any food
I’ll be back before you pronunce njancsjhuehndihjnjniojijkwsa.
After getting drunk, bachelor of technology turns into master of philosophy.Honorable Mention :- "I will win ,Not immediately But Definitely ."
So, I hope you like our collection.Subscribe,Share, and Like.Cheers!!!
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