Here are 10 facts that you should know about the New Bugatti Chiron.

2016 started off with a lot of exciting news about new arrivals and launches, and luxury and entertainment have been the most benefited sectors. The newest to the trend is the Bugatti Chiron that was first revealed at the Geneva Motor Show in 2016.
Although there were speculations about this car since a year or two, Bugatti confirmed the rumors and subsequently released its specs before the Geneva event.
From looks to features, there isn’t any division in which the Bugatti Chiron lacks in luxury. This beast on wheels is worth a ride to be explored.
To your delight, we have summed up 10 must-know facts about this ultimate humanly-created masterpiece.
Let’s see what they are.

1. It is priced at a whopping sum of $2.6 million

10 Things You Must Know About The New Bugatti Chiron | Rear view

First revealed on 1st March 2016 at the Geneva Motor Show, the new Bugatti Chiron has been tagged at an unbelievable price of $2.6 million. This has instantly earned it the fame of being one of the most expensive luxury cars produced till date. Owing to its extensive looks and over-the-edge appeal, is $2.6 million too much to be asked for this luxurious extravaganza?

2. Named after the legendary Louis Alexandre Chiron

10 Things You Must Know About The New Bugatti Chiron | Bugatti Chiron's Branding

The Bugatti Chiron isn’t just any other car but is a complete package of unknown facts and surprises. This to-be-launched Hypercar has been named after the sports car maestro, Louis Alexandre Chiron. A famous Bugatti test driver, he is best known for being the oldest contender in a Grand Prix event.

3. It is basically a sports car

10 Things You Must Know About The New Bugatti Chiron | Interiors of the Bugatti Chiron

No matter how much debate may be raised on this topic, the two-seated Bugatti Chiron is basically the perfect example of a luxury sports car. Equipped with heavily reformed technologies and reinforced exteriors, there is no way to call this car a mere personal opulence.

4. Powered by Quad –turbocharged engine

10 Things You Must Know About The New Bugatti Chiron | Bugatti Chiron's Quad - turbocharged engine

Like other Bugatti models, this piece of extreme speed and luxury is powered by an upgraded quad-turbocharged engine. It has been recorded to produce torque upto 6000rpm and bhp upto 1.5k. To aid the engines, four turbo and direct injection have also been included.

5. Has a fuel tank capacity of 100 liters

10 Things You Must Know About The New Bugatti Chiron | Front View of Bugatti Chiron

A fuel tank capacity of 100 liters is no joke for a sports car but being a hyper car, the Bugatti Chiron consumes all of its juice within a few minutes of reaching its top speed. Fascinating! Isn’t it?

6. Boasts a 7-speed drive

10 Things You Must Know About The New Bugatti Chiron | Bugatti Chiron's Speedometer

Equipped with a lag-less 7-speed automatic transmission, the luxury sports car comes with a direct shift dual-clutch gearbox that enables the four wheel drive. If this isn’t enough for $2.6 million ride, I don’t know what is.

7. Has been known to draw inspiration from Bugatti Vision

10 Things You Must Know About The New Bugatti Chiron | Upgraded look of Bugatti Chiron

8. It is the successor to the famous Bugatti Veyron

10 Things You Must Know About The New Bugatti Chiron | Bugatti Chiron in motion - Rear view

If you believe in the fame of predecessors and legacy they leave to be followed, then rest assured as our new sports favorite is set to follow the same tracks as that of its predecessor, Bugatti Veyron, the world’s former fastest car.

9. Presently the world’s fastest car

10 Things You Must Know About The New Bugatti Chiron | Bugatti Chiron in motion - Front view
The Bugatti Chiron can reach a top speed of 288 mph (464 kph) which surpasses the previously set record of Bugatti Veyron of 253 mph (450 kph) , making it the title holder of the world’s fastest car.

10. To be available in market by the dawn of 2017

10 Things You Must Know About The New Bugatti Chiron | Bugatti Chiron's backlight

It is already clear from the Geneva Motor Show that productions of Chiron have already started and this limited edition sports car is expected to be available in the market by the end of 2016 or more probably, by the dawn of 2017. So, aren’t you excited?
Image Source : Getty,Hotwheels
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About Sahil

I am Sahil pathania and i have a passion about writing on entertaining Stuff like Sports,Automobile,Gadgets,Tech,etc.
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