13 Google Search Tips To Find The Most Accurate Results

Sometimes no matter how specific you get with your keywords, Google, like a stubborn child shows only what it wants to. And images of busty ladies are its best way to annoy you (or perhaps, to tempt you into doing something other than work). But nevertheless, if it gives you problems, it is only because you are not being smart enough in your search measures.

Following listed are some of the Google tricks that perhaps you never knew of before. These can help you minimize the accidental openings of porn links on your browser and help you find just what you want to.

1. Put asterisks(*) in place of the word you can’t remember in a song (or, any phrase), and Google will understand you


2. Prefixing “intitle:” to the keywords will show results that have those keywords in their titles


3. You can exclude words that you don’t want the results to include by prefixing the ‘minus’ sign to the word you want to exclude


4. You can do two Google Searches on the same tab! Just follow this format- “X” OR “Y”


5. Hilarious GIFs can be found easily by clicking “Animated” from “Search Tools”


6. And to find websites of similar nature, enter- related:[insert website’s name]


7. To find places near your area, simply say- [insert the place kind] near me


8. To find the data published within a particular time frame, Go to- Search Tools -> Any time -> Choose the time frame


9.Search for the origin of words by suffixing etymology to the word. Follow- [insert word] etymology

8.Compare two foods by simply typing – X vs Y


9. In order to know the time of sunrise and sunset in your city, type- sunrise [insert city name], or, sunset [insert city name]


10. Set a timer by simply typing- Set timer for [insert time]


11.Know the flight schedule by typing – [insert the name of the flight]


12.To find your public IP address real quick, simply type and enter- IP address, in the browser


13.When the search is figure related (year, price, any number), use- [insert subject you want to search]2011..2014


So Folks, GO Smart Searching...
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About Sahil

I am Sahil pathania and i have a passion about writing on entertaining Stuff like Sports,Automobile,Gadgets,Tech,etc.
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